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Wizardry Archives


Wizardry is one of the most exciting and challenging games available for any computer. Its complexity and seemingly endless variations make it interesting long after the average game has been gathering dust for months. Perhaps the most enduring aspect of Wizardry is that it forces the player to think logically, to act rationally, and to organise masses of data into usable form in order to be successful. In other words, the Wizardry player must combine the skills of a master strategist, a tax lawyer, a cartographer, an experienced researcher, and a Knight of the Round Table!

The Wizisystem allows the average player, who has neither the time nor the means to learn all these skills, to be successful at the game by teaching him to exert control over every phase of the game--from creating characters to opening chests. It gives the player a successful, easy-to-follow format and backs it up with information that is as complete and helpful as possible. The Wizisystem format is designed so that the player can access quickly the reference materials he needs but may skip them as he becomes more experienced. All references in the text to major index items are preceded by an asterisk(~), and the most frequently referred to charts and information are to be found in the appendices.

The essence of the Wizisystem is control through planning, organisation, knowledge and a methodical approach to the game. Host failures can be attributed to the game controlling the player! While a large part of the information in this manual could be used by any Wizardry player, only those who follow the Wizisystem format can use it to its best advantage. Due to the vast amount of data to be controlled in the game, the Wizisystern is quite structured and requires self-discipline to get the user through some of the details of its proper use. Let me assure you that I loathe pointless busywork, and would never inflict it upon anyone! I have made every attempt to make this manual and the Wizisystem as user-friendly and free of useless detail as possible. After all, games are supposed to be fun!

A final word: I have spent hundreds of hours playing Wizardry and preparing this manual; however, I'll be the first to say that its information is incomplete, despite my best efforts. You may use combinations of characters or find ' uses for magical items that I haven ' t, or even have a different version of the game (the authors are continually making improvements and fixing bugs). I would appreciate it if you would send me any missing information and correct any inaccuracies so that future users will have the best possible manual. Major corrections and additions will be sent to you free of charge. If you have any questions, feel free to write or phone !1-404-323-9227, between lOam and lOpm EST weekdays and anytime weekends) and I will do my best to help.


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